In a typical bathroom setting, the single most important feature, along with the furniture, is undoubtedly the mirror. Functional, but also decorative, the mirror gives style and character to the entire bathroom interior.
Mastella offers a wide range of mirrors covering a variety of types and styles: the simplest and most minimal of wall mirrors, mirror cabinets, and tech models equipped with backlighting and digital controls for turning on the light and adjusting the brightness.
Mirror cabinets, in particular, have seen considerable development and are now offered in numerous combinations. Similarly, the lighting component is provided by fittings available in different designs that can be used in conjunction with our mirrors, minimal or eye-catching, to flood the room with various shades of light. SEE ALL OF THE SECTION!
In a typical bathroom setting, the single most important feature, along with the furniture, is undoubtedly the mirror. Functional, but also decorative, the mirror gives style and character to the entire bathroom interior.
Mastella offers a wide range of mirrors covering a variety of types and styles: the simplest and most minimal of wall mirrors, mirror cabinets, and tech models equipped with backlighting and digital controls for turning on the light and adjusting the brightness.
Mirror cabinets, in particular, have seen considerable development and are now offered in numerous combinations. Similarly, the lighting component is provided by fittings available in different designs that can be used in conjunction with our mirrors, minimal or eye-catching, to flood the room with various shades of light. SEE ALL OF THE SECTION!
In a typical bathroom setting, the single most important feature, along with the furniture, is undoubtedly the mirror. Functional, but also decorative, the mirror gives style and character to the entire bathroom interior.
Mastella offers a wide range of mirrors covering a variety of types and styles: the simplest and most minimal of wall mirrors, mirror cabinets, and tech models equipped with backlighting and digital controls for turning on the light and adjusting the brightness.
Mirror cabinets, in particular, have seen considerable development and are now offered in numerous combinations. Similarly, the lighting component is provided by fittings available in different designs that can be used in conjunction with our mirrors, minimal or eye-catching, to flood the room with various shades of light. SEE ALL OF THE SECTION!
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